Our Cottage Garlic Confit is Amazingly Flavorful & Healthful: Here is Why

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After many requests and much anticipation, we recently released our Cottage Garlic Confit, or Roasted Garlic in Oil. (Now available for pickup and delivery!) If you’ve been to any of our cooking classes or events, you were probably greeted with the aroma of roasting garlic as soon as you arrived. Many of you have sat through Chef Luke’s love stories about roasted garlic oil and its many uses. He makes some pretty valid points.

Cottage Garlic Confit – Preserved Roasted Garlic in Oil

You’ve probably seen us at the Norman Farm Market recently demonstrating how to make hummus and if you weren’t aware, roasted garlic and garlic oil are in every single hummus we make. We also recently released the 12 Christmas of Hummus Recipes – 12 different ways to make hummus with a variety of interesting, creative ingredients. To snag those recipes for yourself, click here.

Butternut Squash Hummus in Roasted Acorn Squash Halves with a variety of roasted and fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, microgreens, and more!

The thing is, very few people seem to know how good garlic really is for you. Along with offering antiviral properties, improving cholesterol, and helping prevent illnesses, there are a wide variety of health benefits to adding more garlic to your diet.

Let’s take a look at the medicinal properties of garlic!

  1. “Scientists now know that most of garlic’s health benefits are due to the formation of sulfur compounds when you chop, crush, or chew a garlic clove.
    Perhaps the most well-known compound is allicin. However, allicin is an unstable compound that is only briefly present in fresh garlic after you cut or crush it.
    Other compounds that may play a role in garlic’s health benefits include diallyl disulfide and s-allyl cysteine.
    The sulfur compounds from garlic enter your body from the digestive tract. They then travel all over your body, exerting strong biological effects.” – Healthline
  2. Garlic is a great source of several nutrients:
    vitamin B6
    vitamin C
  3. Garlic is known to have antiviral properties which helps boost the immune system and helps fight off the cold and flu.
  4. Active compounds in garlic can help reduce blood pressure.
  5. Garlic can also improve cholesterol, which can lower the risk of heart disease.
  6. Antioxidants in garlic can help prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  7. Garlic is known to help protect against organ damage from heavy metal toxicity.
  8. “Results of a clinical trial Trusted Source published in 2017 showed that garlic can reduce oxidative stress that leads to osteoporosis”, according to Healthline.
Roasted Garlic and Herbs Hummus Fresh Veggie Display

The beauty of our Cottage Garlic Confit is how easy it is to enjoy with a variety of ingredients and dishes, ranging from quick and simple like scrambling eggs with the oil, to the more intensive process of adding a few of the cloves to mashed potatoes or hummus.

Cottage Garlic Confit – Available for Pickup & Delivery

Each jar of Cottage Garlic Confit contains eight ounces of roasted garlic oil along with eight roasted garlic cloves resting at the bottom. The label folds out into an information sheet including two recipes that include our Cottage Garlic Confit, tasty ways to quickly whip something up, as well as the health benefits listed above. They make fantastic gifts for that special foodie or chef you know, especially with our delivery option!

We’re currently working on a few more exciting “packaged” products so you’ll want to keep an eye out for those announcements coming soon. If you haven’t subscribed to our website and blog yet, you can enter your email below for updates, free recipes, and more.

Thank you so much for supporting us and continuing to follow our journey. Happy Eating!

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